Tuesday, May 4, 2010

first week of may

mexicano clutch. - completed the first template piece this morning at 9am.

planning to complete 7 pieces more of the same piece with different combination of my existing fabrics...within the next 1 week of mornings before work and some available evenings before i move on to the waist pouches. Pretty exciting thinking about the colours to match. :)

thinking alot more about cambodia this morning.
it kinda hovers in my mind especially recently that i should visit her before i go somewhere else since it has stays and didnt leaves my head for the longest time. and its affordable..hmm.

anyway, something super random just came into my head now..
am gonna make myself wake up early tomorrow and make him some breakfast and pancakes. probably the best way for me to start my morning of sewing before work knowing he starts his happy as well. :)

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