Friday, May 21, 2010

A Fire Garden Installation

Singapore Art Festival Opening by Compagnie Carabosse (France):
really lovely idea of the shirt lanterns and tiny fire pots surrounding the singular white canopy containing the solo musician, mesmerizing the crowd. such an amazing sight. :)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

kimono fabrics from mika. :)

love this package of miscellaneous kimono fabrics i received from mika days back. She asked me what i wanted from japan but i had no idea and she ended up getting me the most perfect thing. Have always love a few couple of random things put together as a gift. Makes it feels like there's alot to a treasure box of plentiful eye candy buffet. :)
It briefly reminds me of a birthday gift i got from jim years ago - an old tin with a picture of a little blonde girl imprinted on it, containing buttons and some sewing miscellaneous.

From a flea store, Jim wanted to purchase the little vintage tin container without the bundle of threads, buttons and fabric miscellaneous pieces inside but the storekeeper asked him to 'take the whole thing' ...

i thought the tin felt like a piece of someone else's memory. A habit track of someone who threw a couple of her belongings away during a spring clean. someone who used to keep all her nicknacks into that tin box thinking she'll probably use one of that single button someday for something. i imagined the previous owner's either a young girl with blonde hair like the one imprinted on the tin living in a rather messy room like how she housed the content in the tin or a bag lady who sewn and kept every little something in cookie tins here and there until she lost track of how many tins she had.

Anyway, they both didnt end up using the single button for something else 'someday'...... I did. :)

Monday, May 17, 2010

new handmade djembe accessory :)

got a new handmade djembe strap handle for my drum last weekend from yuya (he made it few hours ago on the same day) pretty bright 'monster inc' colour combination. love it. i hope my sound will be as sparky as it is. :)

May my KA be a KA when its a KA, May my TU be a TU when its a TU.

ok...its not just magic power. must practice.. :/

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The ones who lost their other half.

left. lost her on a windy day, on the bicycle to work one morning.
middle. lost her on the journey home, on the bus home one evening.
right. lost her when she broke down into two one night.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Randy Pausch (1969 - 2008)

Randy Pausch (1969 - 2008)
Last Lecture: Achieving your childhood dreams

The very first time i came upon Last Lecture by Randy Pausch, he has not pass on from this world yet. This afternoon, i listened to his lecture for the 3rd time. The 2nd time was about a year ago. One of his closing words just came into my head on random while i was working. Well, probably not so random as i was thinking about things that happened to path me toward Randy's closing lines again.

" It's not about how to achieve your dreams.
It's about how you lead your life.
If you lead your life the right way,
the karma will take care of itself,
The dreams will come to you."

love it. such simple-pure-honest-faith.

i thought i wouldnt listen to the lecture again coz its more than an hour long each time. This time round, i saved it under my favourites in Youtube. Thought I'll probably watch it the 4th time year? 2008..2009....2010....therefore, 2011? His word just happened to come back once a year. :)

All lives are meant to make a differences in someone else's life. Some lives just happen to make a differences in a much larger way.

Randy Pausch kinda reminds me of an ex boss i used to work with. There's this similar kind of atmosphere about him and i still remember some handful of things that he used to say in some random conversations that we had during work. i always quietly love ending up having an accidental conversation with him coz he loves talking about the topics that i love listening to the most. i just never said so. There's just something really wise and sincere about people with that certain kind of atmosphere. To me, thats some type of superpower.

Another quote from Randy Pausch that i love:
"The brick walls are not there to keep us out.
The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something,
because the brick walls are there to stop the people who dont want it badly enough.
They're there to stop the other people."

Oh boy, how i adore quotes.. ;)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

first week of may

mexicano clutch. - completed the first template piece this morning at 9am.

planning to complete 7 pieces more of the same piece with different combination of my existing fabrics...within the next 1 week of mornings before work and some available evenings before i move on to the waist pouches. Pretty exciting thinking about the colours to match. :)

thinking alot more about cambodia this morning.
it kinda hovers in my mind especially recently that i should visit her before i go somewhere else since it has stays and didnt leaves my head for the longest time. and its affordable..hmm.

anyway, something super random just came into my head now..
am gonna make myself wake up early tomorrow and make him some breakfast and pancakes. probably the best way for me to start my morning of sewing before work knowing he starts his happy as well. :)

Monday, May 3, 2010


The world is a playground, and life is pushing my swing." - Natalie Kocsis

love this one on good days. :)