Thursday, August 26, 2010

rule my world

You set yourself above

Better off forgiving God

You claim that you believe in

Your kind is gonna fall

Your ship is sinking fast

And all your able men are leaving

Only someone who's morally

Superior can possibly

And honestly deserve

To rule my world

I talk before I think

You shoot before you know

Who's in your line of fire

So somehow we're the same

We're causing people pain

But I stand and take the blame

You scramble to the night

Only someone who's morally

Superior can possibly

And honestly deserve

To rule my world

Explain me one more time

When they kill it's a crime

When you kill it is justice

Written by: Eirik Glambek Bøe, Erlend Øye

Kings of Convenience

Declaration of Dependence

Love this.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

48 hours of Sunday, red, white, the moon and the stars.

Merry National day. :)

Love..LOVE long weekends. Always great for a rejuvenation, for replenishing my spirit from 5 days work routine.

Had my first drumming performance with the ensemble this weekend for National day. Great chilled day with morning sewings followed by happy drumming..perfect way to spend a day. :)

Finally did the long overdue waist pouch he requested for months last week - A little each morning for a week and a bit, before heading for work. He peeped each day to see the progress when he came home from work. Love the super satisfied grin on his face when its all finally done up.

Bought more new materials within this '48 hours of Sunday' as well. Its way better highs than shopping for anything else when you know you gonna see these materials bloom eventually into the visual you create in your head. Cant wait…!

Continuing now with my batch of happy bags! All the colors really help to start my mornings right. :)