Tuesday, April 27, 2010

a sick limbo, buses and journey

sick the second time this year.

when you are lying in your laziness trying to make an excuse for not doing anything for a span of time, it all sounds like the best reasons ever. Last week i was mostly low in spirit, i caught back my 3 in 1 sick package, this flu cum sore throat cum fever limbo. hate it. make me feel useless. anyway, its over. am trying for years to stay away from the help of medicine for trivial illness if i can so it helps the spirit when u know you recover without the help of much chemical killing the virus and part of your body at the same time.

anyway..its over. :)

gonna wake early for my driving tomorrow. i kinda grow to like having that hour long journey to that centre and then to work in the morning sometimes although its super early. always a seat available and the only time i can see the exact moment the sky turns bright into day in this part of the globe. 6.38am. On the way there sometimes, read a novel if i have one, read that japanese language book that i never finish learning after so long, listening to that 8 favourite tracks of the month in repeat loop that my retro mobile can only contain within that super small file space in my mobile or just plainly sleep on the way there and to work.

2 favourite bus journeys at the moment:

bus 30

that goes through the east coast highway. love it best if its a double decker bus so i can see things from an angle i cant from a car usually...the angle which goes way down to the bottom of the expressway. if you are a tourist, its the best cheapest route to travel through in full view of the skyline left and right side of the highway.

bus 985

that goes through the pan-island expressway. its fast..at least it feels fast coz it zooms across the highway instead of going through the long route going from the west to the east and stops at every single bloody bus stop. This one took roughly the same route as anyone driving their own vehicle.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

the space between you, the camera and the world

eventually, did you get closer to the world or did you build a wall around everything and you with that modern weapon of yours?

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

a single man.

Had a day for myself today while having to run a full day errands which i dont mind at all. i love running silly errands somehow. Love knowing the time is mine when am on errand run. Love packing schedules up all tightly minutes after the next and do everything on the list of To Do by the end of the day. It's one of my silly tiny pleasure of life. pathetic eh? Sure am. ;)

This day, i rewarded myself with a film if im left with enough time to slot a nice movie in after all the To Do list is done. Popped into the theatre and watched A Single Man by Tom Ford. Love it in a quiet way but with one great pity of missing the first 5 mins of the opening because the film started 5 min before i reached the box office. Major pity. Really hate to be late for a movie. The opening usually sets the mood for the story.

I havent watch a film by myself in a theatre for a long time and i miss it. Alot. i love how that span of time in the darken theatre is just between me and the film, that the choice of what film to watch is completely up to me and im not liable for any wastage of time cause to anyone who went into that dark room with me for about 120mins if it ended up being the stupidest movie in the world...nor will i be distracted from that thought of that body beside me fiddling and silently screaming how long more is this piece of shit gonna last? well, unless i know the person is keen on watching that particular movie too..then it's a different story altogether. :)

A Single Man is a perfect film to watch alone. Great dialogue, great story, great setting, great acting (subtly intense emotion) and great reason why the film is made in the first place. You can practically see the amount of care, love and thought put into the whole making of the film in many aspect making it nearly perfect (Nothing is absolutely perfect and this one is nearly perfect for me). The duration of the film is just nice too. Short one - about a 101 mins giving you no space for redundant scenes and plenty of space for personal afterthought. All scenes are specifically placed to show its essentiality, be it to show the exact emotion of the character, the connection between two roles or to flow the script of that single day the film is based on out in the slickest way. The whats, hows and whys that lead to the entire story enough to become a solid one.

Im in love with movies that focus on a single person with random collision of his or her life with another person, be it, a person who has always been there in his/her life or someone random who he/she happens to meet while maybe, buying a coffee off the street and the individual happen to stop and have a short conversation with. The magic of how unplan meetings of individuals change a single course or dissolve a single thought and play a role in altering the entire script of either lives' choices. This movie feeds straight into the core of my interest in that particular sense as well with so many other elements and subjects. Left me wanting for more and reminds me of why i love films so much in the first place.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

keeping track.

april 2010.530am.

project on hand: jute wallet. hemp waist pouch. mexicano clutch.

movie in the background while the project's running:
• broken english by zoe r. cassavetes. (2007) : simple, easy to digest film but forgettable(to me). its probably the cynical side of me watching the film coz i kinda find the girl gullible and the italian guy insincere.
• he was a quiet man by frank A. capello. (2007) - half of film(cant comment yet)
• michael jackson Live in bucharest: the dangerous tour (1992) - love it with so much mixed emotion. wish i was there...Was such a perfect concert. too much, so much things to say.
• random. earth documentary. in nearly mute volume.

the morning birds are singing outside now.